Your Unique Value Proposition – Made Simple
It’s one of the most important things you need clarity on.
Your unique value proposition, or UVP, touches everything. If you’re clear on this piece, everything else falls into place. It’s the primary reason users will stay on your site and keep reading (and buying!), versus leaving to go somewhere else. It’s often missing or weak and is one of the most common deficiencies of a brand.
It clearly articulates your secret sauce.
Your UVP is a brand promise of what you (your product/service) will deliver – explaining how you will solve your customer’s particular problem and will bring them certain benefits or results. It’s what differentiates you, telling your customers why they should buy from you versus the next guy. It’s your competitive advantage.
What makes you (your product/service) special, different, better?
What do you bring that no one else does?
What ingredients do you have that your competitors do not?
What’s your lens, your point of view, your story?
It’s written for your ideal customer.
Your UVP consists of a few, clear sentences and should be super easy to understand in only a few seconds. It should be in the language of your customer, with words they use, not industry jargon. A strong UVP forces you to deeply know your customers and to communicate with them in their terms.
It’s your North Star.
Your UVP is the core of your marketing messaging. It aligns efforts and brings much needed consistency across platforms, campaigns and touchpoints. The result is a tight, well-crafted message that makes the offerings and the brand feel more “together” and legit because you have complete clarity on who you serve and what you deliver.
It’s the #1 thing people should see when they visit.
Your UVP should be everywhere your customer is. Even if they don’t come in on your homepage, they should see it on any entry point because you have just a few seconds to give them confidence and confirmation that they’re in the right place. Your UVP should show up in headlines, product pages, checkout pages – anywhere you want to remind your customer why you’re different and better. Seeing consistent UVP messaging throughout an experience immediately gives visitors peace of mind.
It lifts conversions and sales.
A strong UVP can close leads and sales, because the tighter you are in knowing the intersection between who you are and who your customers are, the better the user experience is for them. They will comfortably devour your content, trust you and want more. If there are any gaps between what you promise and what you deliver, users will see right through you. Your UVP should be tested regularly for ongoing optimization since it is so powerful.
A thoughtfully crafted UVP provides a strong foundation for brand + marketing strategy and leads to a thoughtfully crafted user experience.
Not sure if your UVP is working for you? Click here to see how I can help.